Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Third Week Feelings

This week was really fun. On Tuesday, me and my partner went out to the Fabric Workshop and Museum. It was very fun and whimsical. Even thought we couldnt take a lot of pictures we had plenty of questions to ask and got a lot of information about their apprentice program. Also, about the artists work and the whole process of getting art work done. We also learned about the printing process. It was so fun, me and Dayane want to go back and buy stuff out of their little shop.

The week is going by so fast. We really have one week left of this and it happened so fast. I almost don't want it to end because it was so fun and i almost forgot i was suppose to be getting paid for doing this. We had a very busy week with writing and editing and publishing and next thing is to send it off to the printer. I'm so excited to have the hard stuff done already but it is a great learning experience. Today, we went to record a rally about the governor and free id's. I saw and learned that people really care about this and want to put their heart and soul in it to get out what they wanted. They didn't vote people into office for nothing. But i had a fun week and next week will probably be more fun and different considering we will be working with other students we haven't got a chance to work with.

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